Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Measurement: 03/01/2010

The team began Value Stream Mapping the processes from receiving Purchase Order to Sending Kit to Production.

The process complexity is immediately evident.

Measurment: 2/24/2010

The team continued discussing measurements and we each came up with one or two ideas of things to measure.  As we discussed each one we arranged the sticky notes on the SIPOC to have an idea of where they were in the process.  I was surprised by the lack of stickies at Create Work Order.  It was explained to me that this is a primarily procedural step and that the decision making for schedule is not made until later when the last part lead time is established.  Some of these are a toss up between being step #2(Purchasing) or #3(Confirm Ship Date).  I've tried to add the applicable units in parenthesis behind each idea.

Here's the List

#1 Create Work Order

#2 Purchasing
Average Part Lead Time by Class, Supplier, Cost Range, MFG (Time)
How do we get Customers to reply to EIAs, Program Parts, ETC. (Cause Analysis)
Supplier - Deliver Parts on Promise Date? (# of late shipments, late lines, % lare by supplier)
How long does it take to purchase an order before it's flipped to standard
How long to get quote back on parts and delivery from supplier
How long does it take to buy a job

#3 Confirm Ship Date With Customer
Sales Order Entry Date to Confirm Ship Date (Time)
Number of parts that become problems to meeting Customer Schedule (Part Qty, Job Qty, Delayed Sales $)
Long Lead Time - Why are some longer than others (Cause Analysis)

#4 Expediting and MRP Release Parts
Consistency of Schedule- W.O. vs. Ship Date?  W.O. dates moving?  Consistency of communicating with customer?
How long does it take to find the last part that didn't come in ontime?  Per W.O.? (Expediting process time and lead time)
How long does it take to expedite an assembly?

#5 Transfer Job to Production
How long to Kit a job?
Time from Kitting to Production and to Start Building Boards
How long does it take for a job to be kitted after it's transferred to production?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Measurement: 2/11/2010

The Group Discussed what we felt were the key issues and where we should concentrate our initial measurements.

Parts issues were the overwhelming key area identified. 

Project Charter

Define Refinement: 1/27/2010

This meeting was kicked off with a brief continued explanation of Lean Six Sigma by Jim Strasbaugh, Director of Continuous Improvement

The SIPOC Map was flushed out and the top 5 Processes were identified.

The list of define deliverables was reviewed and The Project Charter was finalized with a  Problem Statement , Definied Goal and working definitions.

SIPOC: With 5 Process Steps

Friday, February 19, 2010

Things That Add To/Make Up Part Lead Time

Taping Parts (Outsourced Taping vs. Hand Placing)
Rejected Parts @ incoming inspection - Miss-labeled, wrong part
Wrong part - Documentation
Customer Supplied Parts On Time
Programmed Parts Issues
Schedule - Unsure of "Due Dates" both internal and external
SO Due date does not necessarily reflect customer expectations (Pull in & Push out)
Information re: schedule not necessarily shared universally
Unknown production lead time (Days vs. weeks)
Sub Assemblies - Un clear process to Create W.O.
Parts Shortages - Scrap Allowance, Inventory Accuracy
Supplier/ MFG Lead time
Customer Pull in of Ship Date - Rebuy/re-schedule parts
Schedule Discipline - Parts shortages due to changes in schedule (If MRP tool is checked and used correctly when W.O. is moved this should be ok)

Problems Created By Kits That Are Late to Schedule

Adds Time to Job
Pull Parts an extra time
Adds Handeling
Miss Ship Dates
Adds Stress
Misprioritized Production
Extra Setups
Production is in the dark (no visiblility of jobs transfered to production)
Purchasing is in the dark (no visibility of Production Capacity/Work Load)

Problems due to Kits Late to Schedule: Kickoff Meeting with Team, 1/20/2010

Our first meeting was kicked off with a brief explanation of Lean Six Sigma and the overall goal of improvement in getting parts/kits to production on time.
All of the team members introduced themselves and then I briefly outlined the logic in their selection and the general criteria/roles for members of the Six Sigma Project Team.

The group then brainstormed two lists:

Problems Due to Late Kits

Things That Add/Make Up Part Lead Time

Lastly The SIPOC Map was initiated